Yikes! I’ve Lost My Job — Now What?
Retirement Phases
Dementia and Aging Boomer Lawyers
The number of attorneys practicing after reaching the age of 65 has grown by more than 50% in the past decade. Roughly 15% of all practicing lawyers are 65 or older. As a group, we also seem to work longer than others. Only 7% of the general workforce stays employed beyond 65.
... Read MoreWorking for the Jerk Partner as a Young Associate
Associate Buyouts - Better Than You Think
The Three “Do Nots” of Law Firm Buyers
Removing Succession Planning Obstacles
The Contingent Exit Strategy
When Selling A Law Firm Was Unethical
Adding Partners When You’re a Small Firm Owner
You’ve successfully owned your law firm for a decade and have employed two lawyers for most of that time. Both are all pretty decent but are not superstars. One day, they come to you and ask about the possibility of becoming partial equity owners. Your initial thinking is “I knew this day would probably come. Now, what do I do?” Well, here’s what you do.
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